Friday, March 28, 2025

About Us

 We are a small group of people with a passion to write. Our team consists of professional writers from all over the world, with a nose for good stories. To protect our journalistic integrity, we strive to keep all of our articles as neutral as possible by following the ethics and standards of international journalism. While we do understand that not everyone will agree with our articles, and conflicts of interests may occur, we do our very best to stick with factual reporting. We do not favor any political parties, countries, races, colour, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation nor gender.

For those reasons we decided to start this website, so that we can share the latest and best information related to the topics of our website, which will hopefully help you stay up to date. Our mission is to keep you informed using factual reporting as well as journalistic ethics and standards.

We try to keep the website as updated as possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us using our contact page.

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